This week one of the things I learned was when the cardboard is next to the wall you see the shape that was cut into it, but if it is next to the light you see a just a bright light. Then we learned why you see the flame upside down. One of are ideas were the only way the light to go through the hole is so the bottom to shine up and the top to shine down. Finally we discovered when you shine a laser on to the mirror and that reflects on to the wall why can we barely see the light on the mirror but we see it clearly on the wall. We said it depended on your angle to the mirror if your in the area that it's shining towards then you see it on the mirror.
How did we learn these ideas.
We learned these ideas by having a question, making a hypothesis, and then testing the experiments. For the light we saw what was happening and hypothesized. We saw the light shine through and took notes. Then we tried it. We took the cardboard and shined the light through it. Finally we moved it back and forward and then we saw the shape. Then we tested the flame we saw it took notes and experimented. We don't really know the answer, but we came up with some good ideas. Finally we learned about the laser, and observed and saw the laser on the wall.
Why is it important to know this idea (What real world application is there)?
This is important because one day i could apply for a job and a trick question might be why can i see the light on the wall off the mirror. Then i can think back to 8th grade science and explain. Finally I'll get the job and be sucess.
Over the course of this week we have mainly worked with lights and lasers. We have observed how we are able to see the laser on the wall and many other things about with lasers. We learned that the laser moves in a straight line to the wall. We have also looked at lights and how it lets us see things. We found out that rays come off the light and bounce off objects in every direction and some of them come into our eyes and we see the object. Finally we tested if our eyes could see without light. We concluded that your eyes cannot see. We tested this by a person went under the desk with curtains covering the light and that person had to try to read a sign that was in there.